Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Finally Caught Up!

I'm finally all caught up with my posts (I think).  Today was, yet again, another rainy day in Southern California.  Not only was it rainy, but cold to boot.  I hear the snow line was down to 3000'.  Maybe tomorrow's post will show how far down it got.

Happy Birthday BSA!

On February 8, 1910 the Boy Scouts of America was formed as an official organization.  I could go on for days about this, but I'll keep it short so you won't get bored.  These pictures are from our little celebration at work.


After getting frustrated/freaked out that my new expensive toy wasn't working, I went outside to try and finish up my worktable by adding the door to the front.  I turned around and the way the sun was hitting the clouds hanging over Mt. Wilson; it looked like Mt. Wilson was a volcano erupting.  But by the time I got to the front and grabbed my camera, the color faded.  So just picture the clouds as kinda a red/orange color.

Saturday's New "Toy"

This is one side of my new (to me) Power Mac G5.  I found it on craigslist for cheap, well cheap for what it had already installed on it.  So I drove to Hollywood, played with it for about 30 minutes there, payed for it, got it home, and it wouldn't boot up.  After some research and a leap of faith, I swapped some of the RAM around, and I'm using it now to make this post.  I've always been a Microsoft person, I even have family just inside the company, so this whole Macintosh thing is quite a learning curve.  Should be fun though...

Photo Phrom Phriday

I've had some computer problems over the last weekend.  I wasn't able to make my posts (until now) but I was still keeping up with my 365 project.  Here is the shot from Friday, February 5, 2010.