Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mobile Phone Wednesday: Optical Illusion

You can't really tell from the picture (mainly because it's a fixed position) but the light reflecting off the curved surface of the shade made it look as though it was floating.  It was a really cool effect, but it made my eyes hurt after a while...

More Film

Again... I didn't shoot anything digitally this day, and I'm waiting to finish the roll before I develop it.  So, again, here's one I scanned earlier.  It's regular 35mm b&w film with I think 100 iso.  But again with almost no post production except for a little cropping, it has an almost infrared feel to it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Frogger Anyone?

Believe it or not... these two images are of the same creature. On a whim I bought the tadpole at a local pet shop for something like $2.  I already had fish in a tank so I just threw it in there with them.  It was pretty cool to watch her change, and I'm still amazed at how much she's still growing.  I may have to start to think about other living accommodations.

Those dimes are a pain in the butt.

No explanation other than I was bored....


About a year and a half ago I went though a special training program put on by the Boy Scouts of America, Wood Badge.  This is an amazing training to any scouters that may happen to read my blog here and haven't yet gone though it.

Basically it's broken up into two parts.  The first is an intense 6 day course over two long weekends that covers everything from camping skills, to how to teach something, to conflict resolution, etc. The second part is what's called "working your ticket".  You can read more about that from the link above.  After you complete your ticket, and verify your work, you officially earn your neckerchief, woggle, and beads.  Again you can read about the significance each item with the link above. 
I earned mine last Wednesday.

Film Nior

I shot with an analog format this day, so nothing really to show.  Here is an image I created on an earlier date, developed it myself, and scanned the negative.  I was really happy with the way it turned out.  I didn't do any kind of post production editing except for some croping.

Mobile Phone Wednesday

I went for a drive last week (trying to get all caught up again) in upper Pasadena/Altadena during lunch and thought this was a typical "Southern California" image.