Saturday, April 3, 2010


I went to lunch at the Corner Bakery (mostly to use their free internet, but it was down) and as I sat down to eat, my eye caught this amazing couple.  The love they had for each other was as obvious as getting slapped in the face.  The bits of conversation I overheard, eating off each other's plate, holding canes in one hand and holding hands with their others as they walked out of the restaurant.  It was truly refreshing. I can only hope, if I were to get married, that my wife and I could have the same passion as these folks.

90/365 - April Fool's

Last year we (at the scout shop) played a prank on a former boss. This year we followed suit and worked it out with her assistant to let us in and set some stuff up for H to find the next day.

A balloon trap was rigged to drop a box full of balloons as soon as she opened the door to her office.

We also filled her toilet with balloons.

Our original plan was to fill her small office with balloons.  I unfortunately left most of them on the counter at our shop in a rush to get over to the other store.  We had some pre-blown up and used those to the best of our abilities.  I had also coded some fake error messages to pop up and make her think that she had a virus that was deleting files, with the last pop-up saying it was a prank.

Time to start planning for next year...

Friday, April 2, 2010


Another amazing day for photography with perfect lighting.  Same location but just the poppies... and some other creatures...


The lighting made for an amazing day for photography.  A layer of clouds covered the sky to make a natural light defuser, but thin enough to still let quite a bit of light through.  So we took the puppies out to have a photo shoot with the poppies.



I wasn't quite happy with the water drop pictures, so I did a little more research and went back the next night with some new information.
Then I started experimenting with some construction paper in the bottom of the bowl I was dripping the water into.

I waited a long time to be able to capture some of these images....


First attempts at capturing water drops...




These are partially why I fell behind so bad on posting images.  I first built the work table on top, then I went out and bought a stack dado set for the table saw and played around making the box.
