Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Failed Attempt

This night I tried to do some HDR.  There's a couple ways to do it.  I like shooting three bracketed images and merging them with the software I use. They didn't quite match up they way they need to.  But here's one from that series.

Added To My Collection

Every once in a while someone (usually a little on the elderly side) will come into the shop with some old uniform parts, camping equipment, or books, and not know what to do with them.  Fortunately for me, the council doesn't have much use for them, so I just keep adding them to my collection.

Mobile Phone Wednesday

This is Gladys. She's a Red-Eared Slider a family friend found walking across her front lawn.


Enough said...

Just a cool sign

I just thought it looked cool....

A Revisit...

I went back to a subject I was unimpressed with the results the first time I shot it.

It makes sense to someone

So many wires going to so many different places. How do they keep track of it all?

It's late and I have an early morning tomorrow so I'm trying to get through this quick...

Catch Up Time... Again...

Once again I've fallen behind on posting... but not shooting.  But this time I have about 2 weeks to catch up on...