Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I know... It's a mobile picture a day early. But I thought it was too interesting not to share.

It's a little hard to see what it was I was taking a picture of.  I only had a split second to compose the shot, and didn't do it well.  The man walking, I'm assuming is a Buddhist Monk.  Shaved head, golden-brown robe, and sandals; I think my assumption is correct, but we all know what happens when people assume.  Anyway, I know there are a lot of different kinds of monks out there, even within a given religion, but this guy really caught my eye.  I watched him walk out of Best Buy, walk past us singing with whatever he had playing through the earbuds hanging from his ears wearing a Quicksilver zip-up hoodie, and walk into Game Stop.  Not really the first thing you think of when someone mentions they saw a monk is it?

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